Bachat Lamp Yojana: launched, near me, Benefits, wikipedia, upsc 2023

Bachat Lamp Yojana: The BLY Program, brought forth by the Bureau of Energy Efficiency (BEE), is a significant effort to promote energy-efficient lighting throughout India. Serving as a catalyst, this program encourages the widespread adoption of energy-efficient lighting practices.

Bachat Lamp Yojana

Notably, in India, it’s worth mentioning that there are no mandatory requirements at the household level, making the use of energy-efficient compact fluorescent lamps (CFLs) a voluntary choice.

This underscores the optional nature of embracing energy-efficient technologies, and the BLY Program is instrumental in spreading awareness and fostering a culture of energy conservation.

Bachat Lamp Yojana

The BLY initiative makes it easy for households to embrace energy-efficient CFL lightbulbs by offering them at the same cost as traditional incandescent bulbs. In this program, grid-connected residential households can receive high-quality.

Long-life CFLs in exchange for their incandescent lamps (ICL) or a nominal fee of INR 15. The additional cost is covered by a project implementer through earned carbon credits, which are traded internationally under the Clean Development Mechanism (CDM).

The Bureau of Energy Efficiency (BEE) takes charge as the overall coordinator, while distribution companies play a crucial role in delivering CFL lamps to households.

By 2013, an impressive 29 million CFLs had been distributed through this initiative, resulting in an avoided generation capacity of 415 MW.

Numerous ongoing projects underscore the substantial impact and success of the BLY program in promoting energy-efficient lighting practices and contributing to sustainable energy solutions in India.

The Bachat Lamp scheme, now known as Unnat Jyoti by Affordable LEDs for All (UJALA), is a significant initiative dedicated to promoting energy efficiency. This program provides LED bulbs, tube lights, and fans at a cost-effective rate, with the aim of facilitating substantial electricity savings.

Formerly called Bachat Lamp Yojana, the UJALA scheme remains committed to providing energy-efficient solutions to households nationwide. By making LED bulbs, tube lights, and fans accessible at a reduced cost, the initiative encourages consumers to adopt energy-saving technologies, contributing to a more sustainable and eco-friendly energy landscape.

Today, let’s explore the noteworthy aspects of the UJALA scheme, diving into its impact, benefits, and the positive strides it continues to make in promoting electricity conservation and affordability. Join us as we unravel the special features that make UJALA a commendable effort in advancing energy efficiency and accessibility for all.

How Cheap things will be Found

The UJALA scheme, or Unnat Jyoti by Affordable LEDs for All, is a government initiative to make energy-efficient lighting and appliances affordable for everyone. Here’s a simplified breakdown:

1. Affordable Products: UJALA offers LED bulbs for Rs 70, tubelights for Rs 220, and ceiling fans for Rs 1110. These discounted prices aim to make energy-efficient choices accessible to more people.

2. Environmental Impact: The scheme encourages using energy-efficient products, reducing electricity consumption and lessening environmental impact. This aligns with the broader goal of promoting sustainable practices.

3. Warranty Periods: UJALA provides a technical warranty for purchased items. LED bulbs and tubelights come with an impressive 3-year warranty, giving consumers confidence in the durability. Ceiling fans have a 2.5-year warranty, emphasizing a commitment to quality and reliability.

4. Government Commitment: The warranty periods show the government’s commitment to ensuring citizens get high-quality, durable products. This commitment not only assures consumers but also promotes sustainable practices, contributing to the broader objective of energy conservation.

5. Environmental Responsibility: UJALA showcases the government’s dedication to instilling a culture of energy efficiency and environmental responsibility. Through such initiatives, the government aims to build a more sustainable and eco-friendly future while addressing the needs of its citizens.

Bachat Lamp Yojana How to Apply

  1. Documents Needed: To join the UJALA scheme and enjoy its benefits, you’ll need certain documents for the application. Make sure you have your Aadhaar card or any valid ID proof for address verification.
  2. Application Form: You can get the application form directly from the power house in your area. It’s a straightforward process to kickstart your participation in the scheme.
  3. Common Service Centers: For additional details and assistance, consider visiting the government’s Common Service Centers. They are there to help you navigate through the application process and answer any questions you may have.
  4. Distribution Points: Find out the distribution points in your area by checking the official website of the UJALA scheme: This resource provides valuable information to ensure you know where to go.
  5. Helpline: Need further guidance or clarification? No problem! Just give a call to the helpline at 18001803580. They are there to assist you every step of the way.

By having the necessary documents and staying informed through these channels, you’ll have a smooth and efficient experience while benefiting from the UJALA scheme. The government is committed to making the application process easy and ensuring energy-efficient products reach a wider audience.

Bachat Lamp Yojana (BLY) Lighting Programme

Revision of previous policy?No
Effective Start YearNational
Effective End YearProgramme
ScopeEnergy, Power
Document TypePower, Other
Economic SectorEnergy Efficiency Services Limited
Energy TypesBureau of Energy Efficiency(link is external)
File Bachat Lamp Yojana (BLY) Lighting Programme

Overall Summary

The Bachat Lamp Yojana (BLY) Lighting Programme is a clever initiative aiming to make energy-efficient compact fluorescent lamps (CFLs) as affordable as traditional incandescent bulbs. Surprisingly, both CFLs and incandescent bulbs are priced at an economical Rs. 15 for consumers.

This not only encourages people to adopt energy-efficient lighting but also ensures the switch won’t dent their wallets.

What sets the BLY Lighting Programme apart is its innovative approach to covering the cost difference. The project implementer plans to offset the expense by generating carbon credits.

These credits can be traded on the international market through the Clean Development Mechanism (CDM) of the Kyoto Protocol. This not only promotes the use of eco-friendly lighting but also aligns with global efforts to reduce carbon emissions and combat climate change.

By utilizing carbon credits earned through the adoption of energy-efficient CFLs, the BLY Lighting Programme establishes a sustainable and self-supporting model. This not only offers consumers budget-friendly lighting options but also contributes to broader environmental goals.

The initiative underscores the importance of considering both economic and environmental factors when promoting sustainable practices. It showcases a well-rounded approach to energy efficiency and climate action.


The Bachat Lamp Yojana Programme of Activities (PoA) is a standout initiative led by the Bureau of Energy Efficiency (BEE) to promote energy-efficient lighting practices throughout India. Unlike some places where using energy-efficient CFLs at home is mandatory, India doesn’t have such rules.

It’s important to note that everyone involved in the scheme—BEE, participating implementer(s), distribution companies (DISCOMs), and households—is doing so voluntarily.

This voluntary participation shows the collective commitment of key players to nurture a culture of energy efficiency.

The lack of mandatory rules highlights the eagerness of households and entities like DISCOMs to actively contribute to the broader goal of encouraging sustainable and eco-friendly lighting solutions.

This voluntary involvement indicates a shared understanding of the benefits linked to energy-efficient CFLs, including economic savings for households and environmental conservation.

In essence, the Bachat Lamp Yojana PoA isn’t just a government mandate; it’s a joint effort involving all stakeholders recognizing the importance of energy efficiency in sustainable development.

This cooperative approach ensures a more inclusive and effective implementation of the scheme, creating a positive environment for the widespread adoption of energy-efficient lighting practices across the country.

Motive Behind the scheme

The Bureau of Energy Efficiency (BEE) has introduced the Bachat Lamp Yojana Programme of Activities (PoA) as a crucial part of their Clean Development Mechanism (CDM) program.

This strategic initiative aligns with their commitment to adopting eco-friendly practices to address environmental concerns. By integrating the scheme into the CDM program, the BEE aims for a host of benefits.

The successful implementation of the Bachat Lamp Yojana PoA is anticipated to significantly reduce greenhouse gas emissions, particularly carbon dioxide (CO2), from power plants connected to the grid.

This underscores the scheme’s pivotal role in promoting environmental conservation and tackling the challenge of climate change.

As a component of the broader CDM strategy, the Bachat Lamp Yojana illustrates the synergy between energy efficiency and environmental responsibility.

The scheme not only encourages widespread use of energy-efficient lighting but also serves as a practical solution to address the environmental impact of power generation.

Simply put, by curbing greenhouse gas emissions, the scheme aligns with global efforts to shape a more sustainable and eco-friendly future.

The BEE’s proactive approach in integrating the Bachat Lamp Yojana with the CDM program reflects a comprehensive strategy for sustainable development.

It highlights the connection between energy efficiency, environmental conservation, and the global push for a cleaner and greener planet in an easily understandable manner.

How is the scheme Implemented

The Bureau of Energy Efficiency (BEE) is taking a proactive approach by partnering with specific suppliers, also known as investors in the Clean Development Mechanism (CDM). Their role is crucial in providing affordable compact fluorescent lamps (CFLs) to replace traditional incandescent lamps.

This strategic move not only promotes the use of energy-efficient lighting but also establishes a mutually beneficial relationship between suppliers and environmental conservation efforts.

These chosen suppliers, acting as investors in the Clean Development Mechanism, will make CFLs available at a more budget-friendly cost, contributing to the broader goal of transitioning away from traditional incandescent lamps.

In return for their participation, these suppliers will earn saleable certified emission reduction credits, showcasing the dual benefits of economic incentives and environmental responsibility.

To bring this initiative to life, electricity distribution companies, commonly known as DISCOMs, will collaborate with these selected suppliers. This partnership enables DISCOMs to offer consumers CFLs at discounted prices, encouraging the widespread adoption of energy-efficient lighting.

This teamwork between BEE, suppliers, and DISCOMs creates a win-win situation—consumers enjoy affordable CFLs, suppliers gain emission reduction credits, and overall energy efficiency gets a boost.

In essence, this comprehensive strategy not only addresses the economic aspect by providing cost-effective lighting solutions but also establishes a framework for reducing carbon emissions.

By promoting collaboration among stakeholders, the BEE is actively steering a sustainable and environmentally responsible approach to lighting practices nationwide.

How can consumers participate in the scheme

Participating in the Bureau of Energy Efficiency’s (BEE) initiative is entirely voluntary, providing consumers with the flexibility to decide whether to join the program. The initiative simplifies the transition from traditional incandescent bulbs to more energy-efficient compact fluorescent lamps (CFLs).

Specifically, a 60-watt incandescent bulb can be exchanged for an 11–15W CFL, and a 100-watt bulb can be substituted with an 18–23W CFL. This shift ensures a reduction in energy consumption without compromising brightness.

Each household can choose to replace a maximum of four bulbs, encouraging widespread adoption while maintaining a reasonable limit. The CFLs provided in this initiative are of high quality, ensuring durability and efficiency.

A crucial aspect of the program involves returning old, functional incandescent bulbs to the supplier, promoting responsible disposal practices and facilitating material recycling.

It’s important to note that this scheme specifically targets the replacement of incandescent bulbs and does not extend to tubelights or incandescent bulbs of different wattages.

This focused approach ensures an efficient transition to energy-saving lighting solutions, simplifying the implementation process.

By combining the voluntary nature of participation, clear guidelines for bulb replacement, and an emphasis on returning old incandescent bulbs, the BEE’s initiative stands as a comprehensive and responsible strategy for promoting energy efficiency in households nationwide.

Distribution Companies (DISCOMs) that have Initiated BLY

  1. Tata-DDL (NDPL) in Delhi
  2. Kerala State Electricity Board (KSEB) through Energy Management Center – Kerala
  3. Tamil Nadu State Electricity Board
  4. Eastern Power Distribution Corporation of Andhra Pradesh
  5. Jaipur Vidyut Vitaran Nigam Limited
  6. Punjab State Electricity Board
  7. Bangalore Electricity Supply Company
  8. Upper Assam Power Distribution Company
  9. Lower Assam Power Distribution Company
  10. Uttaranchal Power Distribution Company
  11. Dakshin Haryana Vidyut Vitaran Nigam
  12. Chattisgarh State Electricity Board
  13. MP Poorv Kshetra Power Distribution Company

Bachat Lamp Yojana (FAQ’s)

What are the benefits of bachat lamp Yojana?

Enjoy hassle-free maintenance with the free replacement of fused distributed CFLs within 2 years for 6000-hour CFLs and within 3 years for 10000-hour lamps throughout the life of the Clean Development Mechanism (CDM) Project. Additionally, contribute to environmental sustainability by participating in buy-back schemes for collecting fused CFLs, ensuring their safe disposal.

Which ministry is responsible for bachat Lamp Yojana?

The scheme, initiated by the Bureau of Energy Efficiency (BEE) under the Ministry of Power, was launched in February 2009.

What is the benefit of 5 face lamp?

A lamp with five wicks, known as ‘Bhadradeepam,’ symbolizes the five faces of Lord Shiva. The auspicious light from each of these five burning wicks is believed to usher in wealth and prosperity to the house.

Is night lamp good or bad?

It’s better to sleep without a night light, especially if it’s a blue-based one. Light exposure, especially during the hours leading up to bedtime and while sleeping, can disrupt your body’s natural melatonin production, making it harder for you to fall asleep.

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