National Creche Scheme | UPSC Guidelines (2023)

National Creche Scheme | UPSC Guidelines: National Creche Scheme is a government initiative run by the Ministry of Women and Child Development. In the past, it was known as the Rajiv Gandhi National Creche Scheme.

National Creche Scheme UPSC Guidelines

This program provides vital support to working mothers and their children. National Crèche Scheme ensures that children receive proper nutrition, early education, and healthcare. It also supports the holistic development of the children, focusing on their physical, cognitive, and emotional well-being.

National Creche Scheme Goals

The National Creche Scheme offers a simple and valuable service. It provides a safe place for the children of working mothers in the unorganized sector, specifically for kids aged 6 months to 6 years old. This program aims to make sure these little ones get good food and stay healthy. So, the National Creche Scheme is like a helping hand for both children and their working moms in the unorganized sector, making sure kids are healthy and happy while their mothers work. The National Creche Scheme is for kids aged 6 months to 6 years. It helps working moms in cities and villages who work at least 15 days a month or 6 months a year.

National Creche Scheme’s main elements are as follows:

  • Age Group: It caters to children aged 6 months to 6 years, a critical phase of early childhood development.
  • Nutrition and Health: The program emphasizes improving the nutrition and health of enrolled children by providing them with balanced meals and healthcare support.
  • Childcare for Working Mothers: The scheme primarily provides daycare services for the children of working mothers, especially those in the unorganized sector.
  • Educational Support: Besides childcare, it offers early education and age-appropriate learning activities to promote cognitive development.
  • Family Empowerment: By offering reliable childcare services, the scheme helps families manage work and caregiving responsibilities more effectively.
  • Government Support: The National Creche Scheme receives financial backing from the government, ensuring its effective implementation.

National Creche Scheme’s Eligibility Criteria

Eligibility criteria for the National Crèche Scheme may vary slightly from state to state and can be subject to change over time. However, here are some common eligibility criteria that are typically considered:

  • Working Mothers: The primary beneficiaries of the scheme are usually working mothers, especially those engaged in the unorganized sector or low-income jobs.
  • Children’s Age: Children eligible for care under the scheme are typically between 6 months and 6 years old, as this is the crucial age range for early childhood development.
  • Income Criteria: Some states or regions may have income-based eligibility criteria, ensuring that the benefits of the scheme are directed toward families with limited financial resources.
  • Residency: The child and the mother usually need to be residents of the area where the scheme is being implemented.
  • Employment Status: The mother may need to provide proof of employment, such as an ID card, payslips, or a letter from the employer.
  • Priority Groups: In some cases, priority may be given to certain groups, such as single mothers or families facing particular challenges.

It’s important to note that these eligibility criteria can vary, so it’s best to check with the local implementing agency or the Ministry of Women and Child Development to get the most up-to-date and region-specific information regarding eligibility for National Creche Scheme.

National Creche Scheme Documents

  1. Proof of Identity: This could be an Aadhar card, voter ID, or any other government-issued identification document for both the mother and the child.
  2. Proof of Residence: Documents like a ration card, electricity bill, or any other official document indicating the place of residence. 
  3. Employment Proof: Evidence of the mother’s employment, such as an employee ID card, appointment letter, or salary slips. 
  4. Child’s Birth Certificate: A copy of the child’s birth certificate or any other official document that verifies the child’s age. 
  5. Income Certificate: In some cases, proof of income may be required to determine eligibility based on income criteria. 
  6. Photographs: Recent passport-sized photographs of the child and the mother. 
  7. Bank Account Details: Information about the mother’s bank account, which may be necessary for financial transactions related to the scheme.
  8. pplication Form: A completed application form provided by the implementing agency. 
  9. Medical Records: Any medical records or documents related to the child’s health, if applicable.

 National Creche Scheme User Charges

These services are typically subsidized or free of charge to ensure accessibility for families with limited financial resources.The specific user charges, if any, can vary from one region to another and may depend on factors such as the income of the family, local regulations, and the implementing agency’s policies.

S.No. Families Type Charges
1. BPL families Rs.20/- per child per month.
2. Families with the monthly income (Both Parents) of up to Rs.12,000/- Rs.100/- per child per month
3. Families with the monthly income (Both Parents) of above Rs.12,000/- Rs.200/- per child per month


Training Provided under NCS

The National Creche Scheme (NCS) typically provides training to the personnel who work at the crèches to ensure the well-being and development of children. Here are some common training components provided under the NCS:

  • Childcare Training: Caregivers and staff are trained in best practices for child care, including safety, hygiene, and creating a nurturing environment.
  • Nutrition Education: Training focuses on providing balanced and nutritious meals to children, understanding dietary needs, and preparing healthy snacks.
  • Healthcare Training: Personnel are educated on basic healthcare practices for children, including first aid, recognizing common illnesses, and hygiene protocols.
  • Early Childhood Development: Training covers age-appropriate activities and techniques to stimulate cognitive, emotional, and social development in young children.
  • Safety and Security: Staff is trained in child safety measures, including emergency response procedures and maintaining a secure environment.
  • Parental Engagement: Training may involve strategies for effective communication and engagement with parents to keep them informed and involved in their child’s development.
  • Record Keeping: Personnel are often trained in maintaining records of each child’s progress, health, and daily activities.
  • Gender Sensitization: Sensitization programs may be included to promote gender equality and create a gender-sensitive environment within the creche.
  • Crisis Management: Training may cover how to handle crisis situations, including health emergencies or incidents involving children. 


The Creche worker and helper will be required to carry out the following duties following the training period:

  • Childcare: Providing attentive and nurturing care to children, including feeding, changing diapers (if applicable), and ensuring their safety and comfort throughout the day.
  • Nutrition: Planning and serving nutritious meals and snacks to meet the dietary needs of the children. Monitoring their eating habits and encouraging healthy eating.
  • Healthcare: Administering basic first aid when needed and ensuring that children receive necessary medical attention when they are unwell. Keeping records of children’s health and medical needs.
  • Early Education: Organizing age-appropriate learning activities and playtime to stimulate children’s cognitive, social, and emotional development. Encouraging curiosity and creativity.
  • Hygiene and Sanitation: Maintaining a clean and hygienic environment in the crèche, including regular cleaning and sanitizing of toys, equipment, and facilities. Ensuring that children learn good hygiene habits.
  • Safety: Implementing safety protocols and measures to prevent accidents and injuries. Conducting regular safety checks of the crèche premises and equipment.
  • Record Keeping: Maintaining accurate records of children’s attendance, health, development milestones, and any notable incidents. Sharing this information with parents when necessary.
  • Parental Engagement: Building positive relationships with parents and caregivers, providing updates on their child’s progress, and addressing any concerns or questions they may have.
  • Gender Sensitization: Promoting gender equality by creating a gender-sensitive and inclusive environment within the creche.
  • Crisis Management: Being prepared to handle emergency situations, including evacuations or medical emergencies, and following established crisis management procedures.
  • Continuous Learning: Staying updated on best practices in childcare and early childhood development through ongoing training and professional development.

Implementation National Creche Scheme

The Rajiv Gandhi National Creche Scheme (RGNCS) will operate as a Central Sector Scheme (CSS), with the Ministry of Women and Child Development (MWCD) responsible for providing 90% of the necessary funds for all scheme components, following the prescribed norms.

The remaining 10% will be contributed by the NGOs actively operating the creches on the ground. Implementing agencies will be tasked with ensuring that the NGOs fulfill this 10% contribution requirement, and they will need to furnish documentary evidence to validate the 10% share contribution from the NGOs.

The implementing organisations/agencies must fulfil the following eligibility conditions:

  • The organisation has to be registered under the law and must have a properly constituted Managing Body with its powers, duties and responsibilities, clearly defined and laid down in its Constitution.
  • The organization should not work for the profit of any individual or body of individuals.
  • It must ordinarily have 3 years experience in the relevant field after its registration.
  • Its financial position must be sound.
  • It must have facilities, resources, experience and personnel to initiate the RGNCS scheme for which the assistance is sought.
  • Central Government: The Ministry of Women and Child Development, a division of the central government, is in charge of overseeing the plan’s development and finance. It establishes the policies and allots money for their execution.
  • State Governments: Each state’s government is essential to the scheme’s implementation there. They are in charge of creating and running the crèches and receive funding from the federal government.
  • Implementing Agencies: To establish and manage the creches, state governments frequently collaborate with implementing agencies or non-governmental organizations (NGOs). These organizations are in charge of daily operations, which include employing and training employees, offering childcare services, and keeping records.
  • Beneficiaries are chosen from among working mothers who match the eligibility requirements. Beneficiaries are then enrolled in the program. To notify qualified families, this may entail regional outreach and education initiatives.
  • Crèches are constructed in both rural and urban regions according to the requirements of the eligible population. These facilities are set up to offer early education, nutrition, and childcare services.


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