Wiki Loves Monuments 2023 in India Winner

Wiki Loves Monuments 2023 in India Winner: Wiki Loves Monuments 2023 in India Winner: The annual “Wiki Loves Monuments” photography contest and campaign promotes the preservation and documentation of world cultural heritage sites. The competition’s main goal is to get participants to take pictures of historical and cultural landmarks and upload them to Wikimedia Commons, a library of freely downloadable media assets that supports several Wikimedia projects, including Wikipedia.

Wiki Loves Monuments 2023 in India Winner

The initial iteration of the campaign took place in the Netherlands in 2010, and it has since expanded to become one of the biggest photography contests in the world. Participants are urged to snap photos of recognized monuments and historical sites in their home nations. It usually takes place in the month of September each year. These monuments might be more modern historical places as well as more historic structures and landmarks.

Wiki Loves Monuments 2023 in India Winner

Since its launch in 2010, Wiki Loves Monuments has gained attention as a worldwide photography contest and cultural heritage protection effort. This yearly occasion inspires people from all walks of life to explore their neighborhoods and document the essence of history with their cameras. We’ll explore the interesting world of Wiki Loves Monuments, its goals, and how you can get involved while stressing the significance of this endeavor in this SEO-friendly article.

The goals of Wiki Loves Monuments include:

  1. Promoting contributions to Wikimedia Commons: The initiative intends to enhance the amount of high-quality images of these locations that are available for educational and informational purposes by encouraging individuals to take pictures of monuments.
  2. promoting the preservation of cultural heritage: By highlighting historical and cultural landmarks, the campaign raises awareness of the significance of protecting and sustaining these locations for future generations.
  3. Wiki Loves Monuments unites volunteers and photographers from all around the world, encouraging them to collaborate to build a useful resource for the global community. This fosters a sense of community and teamwork.

There are often local, national, and international components to the competition. The finest photos are frequently published in Wikimedia projects and used to improve articles about the relevant landmarks. Participants can earn rewards for their contributions.

Wiki Loves Monuments has significantly contributed to the growth of the Wikimedia Commons library of photos with open-source licenses and the caliber of Wikipedia articles about cultural heritage sites. Additionally, it helps to spread the word about historical preservation and cultural tourism. It is a genuinely global project because numerous nations and areas have their own specialized websites and organizational teams to manage the tournament locally.

What is Wiki Loves Monuments?

An international photography contest called Wiki Loves Monuments aims to capture and honor the rich cultural legacy of the world. This yearly event, which takes place in September, welcomes photographers of all levels to capture images of local historical sites, monuments, and cultural assets. After that, these images are posted to Wikimedia Commons, a website that distributes free media files in support of Wikimedia initiatives like Wikipedia.

Why Wiki Loves Monuments Matters

The foundation of societies is their cultural heritage, which reflects their history, values, and identity. Unfortunately, with time, a lot of historical landmarks and monuments experience neglect, deterioration, or even annihilation. Wiki Loves Monuments actively contributes to the preservation of this heritage by;

  • Raising Awareness: By showcasing these often-overlooked treasures, the competition draws attention to the significance of cultural preservation.
  • Encouraging Documentation: It encourages individuals to document and share their local heritage, contributing to a global repository of knowledge.
  • Cultivating Community: Wiki Loves Monuments fosters a sense of community among volunteers and photographers worldwide, all working towards a common goal of heritage preservation.

How to Participate

Engaging with Wiki Loves Monuments is simple and rewarding:

  • Find a Monument: Explore your local area or travel to discover historical sites and monuments. These can be ancient ruins, architectural wonders, or even historic plaques.
  • Capture the Moment: Use your camera or smartphone to take high-quality photographs of the monuments you encounter. Pay attention to lighting and composition for the best results.
  • Upload to Wikimedia Commons: Create an account on Wikimedia Commons and upload your photos, making sure to provide accurate descriptions and categorizations.
  • Share Your Contribution: Let others know about your participation through social media or local community groups, encouraging them to do the same.

Benefits of Participation

Participating in Wiki Loves Monuments offers several benefits:

  • Promote Local History: Share the history and significance of your local monuments with a global audience.
  • Contribute to Education: Your photos may be used to enhance Wikipedia articles, providing valuable visual resources for learners worldwide.
  • Recognition and Prizes: The best photos can win prizes, and your work may be featured in Wikimedia projects.

2023 national winners

2023 national winners

This place is a UNESCO World Heritage Site under the reference


Locally and globally, the Wikimedia movement has organized a number of offshoots based on Wiki Loves Monuments. They largely adhere to the fundamentals of Wiki Loves Monuments while differing primarily in their scope and modifications to certain of the regulations.

  • A photography contest called Wiki Loves Earth (Ukrainian: к лит eмл) was held in Ukraine in the spring of 2013 with the primary goal of taking pictures of the country’s natural heritage places and then submitting them to Wikimedia Commons.
  • A few months later, Wikimedia Sweden and Europeana launched the Wiki Loves Public Art photography contest with the goal of increasing the quantity of images captured from public artworks. More than 9,250 photos were posted as a result of the effort, which was coordinated across five nations.
  • The Wiki Loves Cultural Heritage photography contest, which expanded the scope of Wiki Loves Monuments to include cultural heritage in any form, both tangible and intangible, including monuments, heritage sites, dishes, outfits, tapestries, crafts, dances, and other components of traditional culture, was organized in North Macedonia in the fall of 2013.

National Prize

  • 1st Prize – INR 15,000 worth gift voucher + 1 T-shirt + 1 SWAG material + 1 digital certificate
  • 2nd Prize – INR 11,000 worth gift voucher + 1 T-shirt + 1 SWAG material + 1 digital certificate
  • 3rd Prize – INR 8,000 worth gift voucher + 1 T-shirt + 1 SWAG material + 1 digital certificate
  • 4th to 10th Prize – INR 4,000 worth gift voucher + 1 T-shirt + 1 SWAG material + 1 digital certificate (each)

Special prizes

  • Highest number of uploads – Photographer who will upload highest number of eligible images will get INR 2,000 worth gift voucher
  • Winning photograph from West Bengal – If a photograph of an monument located in West Bengal gets into top 10 of the national contest, the photographer will get INR 1,000 worth gift voucher. If more than one picture of monuments situated in West Bengal, gets into top 10, the person, who has secured higher rank will get the prize.

Process of receiving the national awards

  1. When the national jury review process will end, the winners along with their winning photographs will be declared here publicly.
  2. The ten winning photographs will be sent for international competition, which will compete with photographs from all over the world.
  3. Simultaneously, messages will be sent to the winners in their e-mail addresses and talk pages.
  4. The organizers will request them to share their addresses and contact details within a fixed deadline, so that the process of sending national prizes can be initiated.
  5. If the deadline is missed by any of the winners for whatsoever reason, the organizers will have the right to refuse sending the prizes.
  6. After the winners receive their awards, the contact details will be deleted forever as per Privacy policy.

This sum can be applied to a photography or editing-related reward or donated to a cause that supports Wikimedia. The winner and coordinators decide on the award together. Following approval by the prize coordinator (taking into account convenience, accounting, and scope considerations), the winner will be able to suggest the specific reward and vendor. Any customs fees or taxes that might need to be paid at the time of purchase in order to transfer the prize to the recipient are included in the prize’s value. Later-due additional (customs) fees are the recipient’s duty to pay.


A global movement that celebrates and protects our common cultural heritage, Wiki Loves Monuments is more than just a photography contest. By taking part, you become a steward of history, ensuring that upcoming generations can discover and admire the rich tapestry of monuments and sites around the globe.

Grab your camera, take a look around, and join the Wiki Loves Monuments community in preserving history one click at a time. We can preserve the past and motivate the future by working together.

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