Mission Vatsalya Scheme 2023: Ensuring Child Welfare and Support

Mission Vatsalya Scheme 2023: Ensuring Child Welfare and Support: The Ministry of Women and Child Development established Mission Vatsalya to guarantee the security and safety of children in India. Children who are eligible for support are likely to be in tough circumstances, such as orphans, street children, etc. The Child Welfare and Protection Committee (CW&PC) at the village level will identify these children.

Mission Vatsalya Scheme

Mission Vatsalya Scheme is a comprehensive child protection program in India. Its primary goal is to ensure that every child in the country has a safe, healthy, and joyful childhood. Mission Vatsalya Scheme apply online Here are the main components of Mission Vatsalya.

  1. Enhancing Statutory Bodies: This part of the mission focuses on improving the effectiveness and efficiency of government bodies responsible for child protection.
  2. Strengthening Service Delivery: Mission Vatsalya Scheme aims to make services for child protection more robust and accessible to those in need.
  3. Expanding Institutional Care and Services: The program seeks to enhance and expand facilities that provide care and support to children, especially those without adequate family care.
  4. Promoting Community-Based Care: Mission Vatsalya Scheme encourages and supports non-institutional, community-based care for children, emphasizing the importance of a supportive community environment.
  5. Emergency Outreach Services: This component focuses on providing rapid assistance and support to children facing immediate danger or crisis situations.
  6. Training and Capacity Building: The mission invests in training and building the capacity of individuals and organizations involved in child protection, ensuring they have the necessary skills and knowledge to carry out their roles effectively.

Overall, Mission Vatsalya is a holistic approach to child protection in India, striving to create a nurturing environment for every child in the country.

Mission Vatsalya Scheme

Mission Vatsalya Scheme was launched by the Ministry of Women and Child Development in 2021. It has a strong focus on safeguarding and promoting the well-being of children. As part of this initiative:

  1. The Government has established 415 POSCO fast-track courts across the country. These courts are dedicated to swiftly addressing cases of rape involving minor victims, ensuring they receive timely access to justice.
  2. Mission Vatsalya places a significant emphasis on various aspects, including childcare, advocacy, and raising awareness about children’s rights. The mission’s motto is “Leave No Child Behind,” reflecting its commitment to protecting and nurturing every child.
  3. The mission’s implementation is rooted in the provisions of The Juvenile Care (Care and Protection of Children) Act, 2015, and the Protection of Children from Sexual Offences Act 2012 (POCSO Act). These legal frameworks provide the foundation for child protection under Mission Vatsalya.
  4. Mission Vatsalya operates as a centrally sponsored scheme and collaborates closely with state governments and union territory administrations to provide support and assistance to child victims, ensuring their well-being and access to necessary services and protection.

What Is 415 POSCO?

In 2021, the Ministry of Women and Child Development announced Mission Vatsalya. The protection and welfare of children was the main objective of Mission Vatsalya. The government established 415 POSCO fast-track courts across the nation to help young rape victims get access to justice.

What is 415 in IPC?

Whoever, by deceiving another person, compels that person to deliver property to another person or to consent to that person’s retention of property, or who purposefully compels that person to do or refrain from doing something that he would not do or refrain from doing if he were not so…

Who is eligible for Mission Vatsalya Scheme?

Children below the age of 18 years who are in needy and helpless condition are eligible for sponsorship program sanction.

PM childcare for kids reprimanded kids.

the children of parents who have life-threatening illnesses.

children who are orphaned orphans who are housed with family.

Children of a mother who was abandoned, divorced, or widowed.

Parents of children are incapable of providing for them financially and physically because they are helpless.

The children’s mother and father are both deceased, leaving the children orphaned and housed with other family members.

Parents afflicted with a serious illness that could be fatal

Children who have lost both of their parents as a result of Corona-19 are those who have registered under the PM Cares program.

According to the 2015 Child Justice (Protection & Fostering) Act. Children in need of protection and care include those who are homeless, exposed to natural disasters, child laborers, child brides, HIV/AIDS-affected, trafficked, disabled, missing, and abandoned children, street children, child beggars, and children who have experienced violence, harassment, abuse, or exploitation. These children also need food and shelter.

Children whose father has passed away, i.e., whose mother is widowed, divorced (orders from the court must be obtained or the price can be paid with an agreement made in front of the village elders, but the judgment of the committee is final), or has left the family.

Children who have been classified as child workers, unaccompanied minors, disabled minors, runaways, child beggars, exposed to natural disasters, street children, or exploited minors (according to JJ Act, 2015).

Benefits of Mission Vatsalya Scheme

The Mission Vatsalya Scheme 2023 has several benefits for orphaned and destitute children. Some of the main benefits of the scheme are:

  • Financial assistance for education, healthcare, and basic needs.
  • Nurturing and supportive environment through foster care.
  • Timely medical treatment and check-ups for better health.
  • Proper education and opportunities for personal and intellectual development.
  • Protection and security against child abuse, exploitation, and trafficking.

Mission Vatsalya Scheme



Objectives Mission Vatsalya

  • Prioritisation of children in the scheme of Administration keeping Centrality of the Child during all the activities and actions taken under the Mission.
  • Best interest of the Child while designing or delivering projects and programmes and to take affirmative action to ensure right to grow in happy family environment with strong social safety net to support families.
  • Ensuring Children’s right to Survival, Development, Protection and Participation.
  • To establish essential services and strengthen emergency outreach, non- institutional care within the family and community, and institutional care
    counselling and support services at the national, regional, state and district levels.
  • To ensure appropriate inter-sector response at all levels, coordinate and network with all allied systems to promote convergent efforts for seamless
    service delivery to children.
  • To strengthen child protection at family and community level, equip families and communities to identify risks and vulnerabilities affecting children, create
    and promote preventive measures to protect children from situations of vulnerability, risk and abuse.
  • Encourage private sector partnerships and interventions to support children within the framework of law.
  • Raise public awareness, educate public about child rights, vulnerabilities and measures for protection sponsored by government and engage community at all levels as stakeholder in ensuring the best interest of children.
  • To build capacities of duty holders & service providers at all levels.
  • Monitor progress on objective parameters against well-defined Outputs and Outcomes, and
  • Participation of Panchayats and Municipal Local Bodies at the village level and at the ward and the urban cluster level within the urban municipal ward, for
    sustained assessment of the issues deserving attention, implementation of appropriate interventions, regular monitoring to develop a robust social safety
    net for children.

Vision Of Mission Vatsalya

To guarantee every child in India a healthy and happy childhood, create opportunities for them to realize their full potential, and support their continued flourishing in all spheres. Mission Based on the idea that institutionalizing children should only be done as a last resort, Vatsalya advocates family-based non-institutional care of children in challenging situations.

Components Under Mission Vatsalya Scheme

Components under Mission Vatsalya include

  • Improve functioning of statutory bodies;
  • Strengthen service delivery structures;
  • Upscale institutional care/services;
  • Encourage non-institutional community-based care;
  • emergency outreach services;
  • Training and capacity building

VisionAim of the Mission

The Mission aims to:

  1. Support and sustain Children in difficult circumstances;
  2. Develop context-based solutions for the holistic development of children from varied backgrounds;
  3. Provide scope for encouraging

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs)

Who started Mission Vatsalya scheme?

The Ministry of Women and Child Development established Mission Vatsalya to guarantee the security and safety of children in India. Children who are eligible for support are likely to be in tough circumstances, such as orphans, street children, etc. The Child Welfare and Protection Committee (CW&PC) at the village level will identify these children.

When was Mission Vatsalya scheme launched?

In 2021, the Ministry of Women and Child Development announced Mission Vatsalya. The protection and welfare of children was the main objective of Mission Vatsalya.

In what state is the Mission Vatsalya Scheme involved?

The exception of the eight states in the Northeast, Himachal Pradesh, Uttarakhand, and the UT of Jammu and Kashmir, where the Center:State/UT share will be 90:10, the Center bears 60% of the costs of Mission Vatsalya and the States bear the remaining 40%.

What is mission Vatsalya Scheme in budget?

Mission Vatsalya is a centrally sponsored scheme that provides: (i) assistance to homes for children, (ii) juvenile justice for children in need of care and children in conflict with law, and (iii) integrated programme for street children.


These suggestions are valid since they would all improve the lives of the numerous youngsters who suffer from physical and mental problems in our nation. The aim behind socially helpful programs is admirable, but whether they operate within accountability systems and are based on sustainability principles determines whether they are successful.

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