PM Pranam Scheme: upsc, registration, Launched date, pdf 2023

PM Pranam Scheme: Promoting the PM-PRANAM scheme can really help the government. It could ease the pressure on the government’s money for subsidies and reduce how much they owe. By getting more people involved and spreading the word about the scheme, the government can include more people financially and rely less on the usual subsidy systems. This could make our economy more stable by managing money better.

PM Pranam Scheme

Also, if the government promotes the PM-PRANAM scheme well, more people can benefit from it. This doesn’t just help individuals—it also makes our whole country’s economy stronger. When people and families use the scheme, the government doesn’t need to spend as much on certain subsidies. This is good news for the government’s finances.

The benefits of promoting the PM-PRANAM scheme go beyond just money. If more people take part, the government can encourage a culture where people manage their money wisely and depend less on others.

This active approach doesn’t just make individuals stronger—it can boost the economy and make our country financially sturdy in the long run.

To sum it up, promoting the PM-PRANAM scheme is crucial. It can bring about big positive changes in our economy. It’s a vital move to make sure our finances are steady, help our society grow, and empower people financially.

As the government works harder to share information and get support for the scheme, the good effects on people and the country’s money matters become more and more clear.

PM Pranam Scheme

The PM-PRANAM initiative, also known as the PM Programme for Restoration, Awareness, Nourishment, and Amelioration of Mother Earth, kicked off in the Union Budget of 2023–24.

PM Pranam Scheme

Its main aim is to promote smart use of both chemical and alternative fertilizers and to spread the word about regenerative agriculture (RA).

This forward-thinking plan targets the crucial issue of sustainable farming. By encouraging farmers and others involved to use fertilizers wisely, the government wants to reduce the harmful effects on the environment caused by excessive chemicals.

The PM-PRANAM initiative recognizes the importance of balancing farming productivity with taking care of our environment.

What makes the PM-PRANAM scheme stand out is its focus on making people aware of regenerative agriculture. This approach doesn’t just maintain natural resources in farming; it actively makes them better. The government hopes this will lead to a shift in farming methods, giving priority to soil health, biodiversity, and long-term sustainability.

The success of the PM-PRANAM initiative hinges on spreading the word and getting people to follow these principles. It’s more than just saving money on subsidies and reducing deficits; it’s about caring for the environment and making farming more resilient.

The government aims to educate and support farmers so they can make choices that benefit both their livelihoods and Mother Earth.

To sum it up, the PM-PRANAM initiative’s focus on regenerative agriculture shows a commitment to caring for the environment and promoting sustainable farming.

As it gains momentum, it has the potential to transform how we farm and contribute to broader environmental goals, aligning with the government’s vision for a more resilient and eco-conscious future.

Why was the scheme introduced?

Growing Demand: The collective need for four key fertilizers—urea, DAP (di-ammonium phosphate), MOP (muriate of potash), and NPKS (nitrogen, phosphorus, and potassium)—has surged by 21% from 2017-2018 to 2021-2022.

Subsidy Surge: The escalating demand for fertilizers in the country over the last five years has led to a notable upswing in the government’s overall expenditure on subsidies.

Financial Relief: Curtailing the use of chemical fertilizers is poised to alleviate the financial burden on the exchequer. In the fiscal year 2022–23, the government has earmarked Rs 1.05 lakh crore, yet projections indicate that the fertilizer subsidy might surpass Rs 2.25 lakh crore for the same period.

Eco-Friendly Approach: Aligned with the government’s emphasis on fostering the judicious use of fertilizers, the initiative aims to curtail the reliance on chemical fertilizers, presenting an eco-friendly stance.

In summary, the surge in fertilizer demand has triggered an increase in government subsidies, prompting a need for sustainable practices. The envisioned reduction in chemical fertilizer usage not only aligns with environmental goals but also serves as a pragmatic step to ease the fiscal strain on the government.

What lies ahead?

Subsidy Reduction: Gradually phasing out subsidies on chemical fertilizers can encourage the adoption of alternative or biofertilizers.

End Retention Pricing Scheme: The retention pricing scheme, designed to protect chemical fertilizer (urea) manufacturers, should be gradually phased out to boost the production of alternative fertilizers.

Incentivize Adoption: Calculating a favorable margin on bio-fertilizer sales can serve as an incentive for sales and distribution networks, promoting the widespread use of eco-friendly alternatives.

Learning from Sri Lanka: Drawing lessons from the Sri Lankan food crisis, it is essential to demonstrate the effectiveness of alternative fertilizers on farmer fields to highlight their potential for higher productivity.

Certification Matters: Proper certification of these products is crucial, ensuring that farmers or their organizations can command a fair and profitable price for their produce.

Infrastructure Upgrade: The government’s commitment, outlined in the 2023–24 Budget, to establish 10,000 Bio-Input Resource Centers over the next three years is a significant step. This initiative aims to create a distributed micro-fertilizer and pesticide manufacturing network at the national level, improving accessibility and availability.

In summary, the proposed measures involve reducing subsidies on chemical fertilizers, phasing out protective pricing schemes, offering incentives for bio-fertilizer adoption, learning from international experiences, ensuring product certification, and investing in infrastructure improvements.

These actions collectively aim to promote sustainable and eco-friendly agricultural practices in the country.

PM Pranam Scheme: Objective

Encourage Smart Fertilizer Use: It’s essential to promote a smart and balanced approach to using fertilizers. The government is urging farmers to mix it up by using biofertilizers and organic alternatives alongside chemical fertilizers.

This mix not only helps the soil stay healthy but also maintains a good balance in nature, leading to better crop growth overall.

Cut Down on Subsidies: The government is looking to ease the heavy financial load caused by subsidies on chemical fertilizers, which hit about Rs 2.25 lakh crores in the 2022-2023 fiscal year.

The idea is to gradually reduce these subsidies, paving the way for farming that makes more financial and environmental sense.

Two-Pronged Strategy: This two-part plan—encouraging a smart mix of fertilizers and trimming down subsidies on chemical ones—fits into the bigger picture of making sure we have enough food, safeguarding our natural resources, and preventing harm to the environment.

It also shows the government’s dedication to pushing for alternative and eco-friendly farming methods, creating a path toward a stronger and more sustainable future for our agriculture.

PM Pranam Scheme: Key Features

Funding Approach:
The PM-PRANAM scheme’s financing is cleverly designed to utilize savings from existing fertilizer subsidies managed by the Department of Fertilizers, part of the Ministry of Chemicals and Fertilizers.

Importantly, no separate budget is set aside for the PM-PRANAM scheme, ensuring a smooth and integrated financial process.

Subsidy Savings and Grant Distribution:
In this initiative, the central government allocates 50% of the subsidy savings to states in the form of grants. Within this grant, 70% is dedicated to creating assets related to adopting alternative fertilizers and establishing production units at various levels.

The remaining 30% forms an incentive pool, designed to reward and motivate farmers, panchayats, and other contributors actively involved in reducing fertilizer use and raising awareness.

Calculation Criteria:
Eligibility for subsidy savings and grants is determined by comparing the reduction in a state’s urea consumption with its average consumption over the past three years. This method ensures a fair and objective assessment of states’ efforts in reducing fertilizer usage.

Promoting Sustainable Agriculture:
The PM-PRANAM scheme strongly emphasizes endorsing sustainable agricultural practices by actively encouraging the use of biofertilizers and organic alternatives.

This strategic move aims to improve soil fertility, reduce environmental pollution, and offer lasting support to overall agricultural productivity. By championing eco-friendly fertilization practices, the scheme aligns with the broader vision of creating a more resilient and environmentally conscious agricultural landscape.

What is Biofertilizer?

Biofertilizers are comprised of a carrier medium teeming with live microorganisms. When applied to seeds, soil, or living plants, they work to enhance soil nutrients or make them more biologically accessible.

Diversity of Microbes:
Biofertilizers embrace a variety of microorganisms, including fungi, root bacteria, and other beneficial microbes. These tiny life forms establish a mutually beneficial, symbiotic relationship with host plants, nurturing their growth in the soil.

Classification by Microorganisms:

  1. Bacterial Biofertilizers:
  • Rhizobium
  • Azospirilium
  • Azotobacter
  • Phosphobacteria
  • Nostoc, etc.
  1. Fungal Biofertilizers:
  • Mycorrhiza
  1. Algal Biofertilizers:
  • Blue Green Algae (BGA)
  • Azolla
  1. Actinomycetes Biofertilizer:
  • Frankia

This breakdown highlights the diverse microorganisms present in biofertilizers, each playing a unique role in enriching soil fertility and supporting plant growth.

The adoption of these eco-friendly alternatives aligns with sustainable agricultural practices, providing a natural and effective method for enhancing crop productivity.

What are the Recent Changes Made in FRP for Sugarcane?

The Cabinet has made a decision: no deductions for sugar mills with recovery below 9.5%. Farmers falling into this category will receive Rs 291.975 per quintal for sugarcane in the upcoming sugar season, up from Rs 282.125 per quintal in the current season.

What is the FRP?

The Fair and Remunerative Price (FRP) is a government-set price that sugar mills are obligated to pay farmers for the sugarcane they procure.

Payment and Agreement:
Mills are legally bound to pay the FRP to farmers for their cane. Alternatively, mills can opt to sign agreements with farmers, allowing them to make FRP payments in installments.

In case of delayed payments, mills may face interest charges of up to 15% per annum, and the sugar commissioner has the authority to recover unpaid FRP by attaching the properties of the mills.

Governing Regulations:
The pricing of sugarcane is regulated by the statutory provisions of the Sugarcane (Control) Order, 1966, issued under the Essential Commodities Act (ECA), 1955. According to these regulations, the FRP must be paid within 14 days of cane delivery.

Determination and Announcement:
The FRP is determined based on the recommendations of the Commission for Agricultural Costs and Prices (CACP), with the announcement made by the Cabinet Committee on Economic Affairs (CCEA).

Factors Considered:
Various factors influence the calculation of FRP, including the cost of sugarcane production, returns from alternative crops, trends in agricultural commodity prices, the availability of sugar to consumers, the selling price of sugar, sugar recovery from cane, and income margins for cane growers.

This comprehensive approach ensures a fair and balanced pricing mechanism that considers multiple aspects of the sugarcane industry.

What is Sugarcane?

Climate Conditions:
Sugarcane thrives in temperatures ranging from 21-27°C, preferring a hot and humid climate.

Rainfall Requirements:
An optimal sugarcane environment includes a rainfall range of approximately 75-100 cm.

Preferred Soil Type:
Sugarcane flourishes in deep, nutrient-rich loamy soil, contributing to robust growth and yield.

Top Producing States:
Leading sugarcane-producing states in India include Uttar Pradesh, Maharashtra, Karnataka, Tamil Nadu, and Bihar.

National Standing:
India holds the position of the world’s second-largest producer of sugarcane, following Brazil.

Versatile Soil Compatibility:
Sugarcane exhibits adaptability, capable of thriving in a variety of soils, from sandy loam to clay loam, as long as they offer proper drainage.

Labor-Intensive Cultivation:
From sowing to harvesting, sugarcane cultivation demands manual labor, contributing to employment opportunities in the agricultural sector.

Diverse Utilization:
Sugarcane serves as a primary source for various products, including sugar, gur (jaggery), khandsari, and molasses.

Government Initiatives:
Schemes like the Scheme for Extending Financial Assistance to Sugar Undertakings (SEFASU) and the National Policy on Biofuels underscore the government’s commitment to supporting sugarcane production and the overall sugar industry.

These initiatives aim to bolster the sector economically and foster sustainable practices in sugarcane cultivation.

What is PM Pranam Yojana related to?

The PM-PRANAM initiative, officially known as the PM Programme for Restoration, Awareness, Nourishment, and Amelioration of Mother Earth, made its debut in the Union Budget of 2023–24.

The primary aim of PM-PRANAM is to advocate for the balanced use of both chemical and alternative fertilizers while simultaneously fostering awareness about regenerative agriculture (RA).

PM Pranam Scheme (FAQ’s)

How do I register for PM Pranam?

To apply, fill out an online form with your name, age, address, and Aadhaar card details. After submission, officials will verify the information and perform required checks.

What is the budget of PM PRANAM scheme in UPSC?

The new scheme aims to cut costs on chemical fertilizers. The expected expenditure in 2022-2023 is set to rise to Rs 2.25 lakh crore, a 39% increase from the 2021 figure of Rs 1.62 lakh crore.

What is the urea subsidy scheme?

The CCEA greenlit the Urea Subsidy Scheme to maintain a steady supply of urea to farmers at the unchanged price of Rs 242/45 kg bag (excluding taxes and neem coating charges). A total of Rs. 3,68,676.7 Crore has been earmarked for urea subsidy over the next three years (2022-23 to 2024-25).

What is the full form of PM Pranav?

“PM Programme for Restoration, Awareness, Nourishment and Amelioration of Mother Earth” ( PM-PRANAM) was announced in Budget 2023.

What is the full form of PM paper?

AM or Ante Meridiem represents the first period. AM or it is full form Ante Meridiem describes the midnight to noontime. The full form of PM is Post Meridiem . PM denotes post-midday period.

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